
As difficult as it may be, I do pray for the leadership of our country. I pray that they would turn back towards God and away from the “Human Secularism” that is infecting and poisoning the minds of the people of this country. I have prayed that we as a nation will see the danger of the path that we are on and turn back towards our Judeo Christian values that this great nation was built upon. History has proven time and time again that no other system of government in the world can be as perfect as what our Founding Fathers gave us with the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

During the past 7 years we have seen an administration whose only real and sincere effort has been to fundamentally transform the United States into something more closely resembling some third world ruins. Our debt has debt has been run up to unsustainable levels and threaten financial ruination. Our borders have been eliminated and dissolved into non existence as illegal immigrants have been “encouraged” to come or to send their children to this country. Treaties and alliances that have taken generations to establish and trusts that have been built have been completely destroyed. Our closest allies have been ignored or abandoned and our enemies are now embraced and coddled to. The world has devolved into chaos as the Middle East with its fragile and tentative peace has turned inside out and ISIS has arisen from the ashes threatening to destroy  any and all opposition.

The so called mainstream media have dropped the false cloak of impartiality and are openly pushing the democrat agenda. Now longer does the media even try to appear objective or unbiased but are openly and flagrantly colluding with their handlers in the administration and democrat party for the single purpose of furthering the left leaning agenda. The hypocrisy is so astounding and overwhelming when dealing with anyone who doesn’t agree with them that it is just absurd. Obama was not to be vetted in anyway or in anything resembling an honest effort to learn the truth and yet opposition candidates are examined with microscopic type focus to expose anything that can be used to destroy them. It is no longer resealable to just discredit those who disagree with you, no, they must now destroy their adversaries or attempt to do so in the nastiest, most vitriol filled, public campaign of destruction.

Political correctness is the left’s weapon of choice and they use this against their opponents mercilessly to beat any opposition to their thinking into submission. Speech is controlled by jack booted thought police who will viciously attach anyone who dares to challenge what they determine to be acceptable and correct. The goal is for the left to control everyone as they deem fit. If they control the speech then they will be able to control thought soon. Their Keynesian economic plans has put more people on the Welfare roles than ever before in this country and less people gainfully employed. This too is by design because if people are forced to become dependent on the government for their sustenance then they become dependent and can be controlled.

Flooding this country with illegal immigrants is by design and is meant to stack the deck unfairly to give the democrats an unfair advantage by beefing up a voter base of illegal immigrants who will go on to the welfare rolls, get drivers licenses, and vote democrat in hopes of continued food, housing, etc. from the government. There is no other logical reason or explanation as the people who are flooding our borders are not the best and brightest of the countries that they are leaving but rather the uneducated and least capable of being self supportive. The democrats and the left are only interested in their own wealth and power and will utilize any means to accomplish their ends. The tactics are straight out of the left’s radical guru, Saul Alinsky’s playbook of “Rules For Radicals” and Cloward and Pivens ideology.

The weak kneed, spineless, morally vapid right has been equally as harmful to this country. There has been virtually little to no resistance to anything that the left or the current administration has done for the past 7 years. The establishment leadership of the opposition party has cowered in fear of the democrats and their attack dogs in the media and been basically paralyzed into submission. We live in a country that overwhelmingly identifies as conservative leaning and yet we allow ourselves to bow beaten by the vocal, hateful, nasty minority who simply threaten retaliation and the establishment leaders will scurry away like some cowardly dog licking it’s wounds and cowering in fear. We have the entrenched power brokers who have turned American politics into some hollow shell of what it was designed to be. Honest, morally driven, men and women of character are discourage from rocking the boat or making waves less they suffer the wrath of their morally bankrupt leadership who are controlled by special interest and lobbyists. Most lobbyists are former politicians who return to the “Good Ole Boy” club in DC by becoming lobbyists after leaving politics.

To my horror, I have watched as this country has been transformed into something best described as being like a runaway freight train heading for the cliff. The spending continues, immigrants continue to flood in, and the media still controls the narrative and storyline with the propaganda that they choose to spew out daily in what no longer even basically resembles news but more closely and accurately could be called entertainment. We are blatantly deceived with inaccurate to down right openly dishonest reporting by left leaning people who only care about destroying the opposition and have an axe to grind with anyone who dares challenge what they deem to be acceptable behavior or thought.

I will discuss my thoughts on Islam soon but for now we see radical extremists who only interests are our destruction infiltrating the so called refugees being brought to this country by the current administration because of the chaos that they created in the muslim countries with their lack of leadership and fear of offending muslims, et al.

My prayer and desire is that we still have enough people who can be awakened from the stupor of misconception, deceit, and lies that have been force fed them by the media and academia. The far left has had an iron fisted control of American Academia since the 1060’s and have indoctrinated generations of left leaning lemmings who can not even explain what they are opposed to but do so because that is what they were taught to do. Free thinking, logic, and reason are not allowed and you must simply march in uniform like good little sheep because they say so. It is like watching some poor science fiction Zombie movie where the Zombies have little to no thought other than to survive and the human survivor base struggles again overwhelming hordes and shrinks as they fight to survive. Don’t take the blue pill! Wake up and stand up while there is still time to salvage what is left of Constitutionally based Republic.


About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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